Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The 'Flip Video' is for sharing....

Have you heard of the buzz surrounding the "Flip Video" from Pure Digital Technologies based in San Francisco? Apparently Jennifer Aniston, Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg are all flipping over their new Flip camcorders!
It is about the size of a candybar cellphone but about 1.25inches thick with a single red record button on the back. It has only solid state memory (1 or 2GB models available)
The design center focuses on exactly the way Gen-Y are using camcorders today: take a short clip and then share it with your friends on youtube or facebook. Builtin software dispenses with the need to install software.
Jonathan Kaplan, CEO of Flip Video says it is so easy "when you want to share the video, all you have to do is flip the USB and plug in the video to share on youtube!"
But the question this blogger wants to know is what happens if you want to share
with someone in the taxi home the video of Johnny Depp that you caught in the nightclub?

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